Deep Learning

opencv3 install anaconda

mulderu 2017. 3. 24. 16:30

opencv  설치가 항상 여러곳에서 문제가 된다...

이번에  mac 설치 + anaconda

opencv3 install in anaconda : MacOSX Sierra


Since you are using a newer version of python3, you would probably have to build opencv from the recipe yourself, which is available at

Another option is to have the specific version of python3 in your new environment by creating it like this:

(root) osx:Downloads nwani$ conda list | grep python
python                    3.6.0                         0 
(root) osx:Downloads nwani$ conda create -yn opencvtest python=3.5.2
(root) osx:Downloads nwani$ source activate opencvtest
(opencvtest) osx:Downloads nwani$ conda list | grep python
python                    3.5.2                         0

The version 3.1.0 builds of opencv are available on the conda-forge channel:

(root) osx:Downloads nwani$ conda search -c conda-forge --spec 'opencv=3*'
Fetching package metadata .........
opencv                       3.1.0               np110py27_0  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np110py34_0  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np110py35_0  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np111py27_0  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np111py34_0  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np111py35_0  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np110py27_1  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np110py34_1  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np110py35_1  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np111py27_1  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np111py34_1  conda-forge     
                             3.1.0               np111py35_1  conda-forge

You can install it like this:

(opencvtest) osx:Downloads nwani$ conda install -y -c conda-forge opencv 
(opencvtest) osx:Downloads nwani$ conda list | grep -e python -e opencv
# packages in environment at /Users/nwani/Downloads/m3/envs/opencvtest:
opencv                    3.1.0               np111py35_1    conda-forge
python                    3.5.2                         0  

finally - virtual environment

source activate mulder


end > deactive