MSSQL 난수 구하기 -- 3자리 문자열 난수 구하기, 4자리면 *1000 을 * 10000 으로 한다. SELECT CAST (CEILING(RAND( datepart(ms, getdate())) *1000 ) AS VARCHAR(3) ) ASP 2008.04.22
ASP / FILE UPLOAD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vbsUpload.asp ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upload.asp ----------------------- 0 Then Set objUpload = New vbsUpload For lngLoop = 0 to objUpload.Files.Count.. ASP 2008.04.12
ASP CLASS / DBConn Copy From : The concept I came to love is a VBScript class . Here is the code for the class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add this code to your global.asa in the Application_OnStart() sub to set the Application(.. ASP 2008.04.12