이번에는 URL 로부터 리턴 텍스트를 구한다. (HTML)
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: mulder -- Create date: -- Description: URL Tester -- OLE Automation in SQLServer -- http://forums.asp.net/t/1425747.aspx -- pre-work-start -- EXEC sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures'; -- sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; -- RECONFIGURE; -- sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1; -- RECONFIGURE; -- pre-work-end -- select dbo.fncValidateURL (''); -- select dbo.fncGetURLText (''); -- ============================================= ALTER FUNCTION dbo.fncGetURLText(@URL VARCHAR(300)) RETURNS VARCHAR(5000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Object INT DECLARE @Return TINYINT DECLARE @Valid BIT SET @Valid = 0 --default to false DECLARE @resText VARCHAR(5000) SET @resText = '' --create the XMLHTTP object EXEC @Return = sp_oacreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0', @Object OUTPUT IF @Return = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @Method VARCHAR(350) --define setTimeouts method --Resolve, Connect, Send, Receive SET @Method = 'setTimeouts(4500, 4500, 4500, 4500)' --set the timeouts EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, @Method IF @Return = 0 BEGIN --define open method SET @Method = 'open("GET", "' + @URL + '", false)' --Open the connection EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, @Method END IF @Return = 0 BEGIN --SEND the request EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, 'send()' END IF @Return = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @Output INT EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, 'status', @Output OUTPUT IF @Output < 400 BEGIN SET @Valid = 1 EXEC @Return = sp_oamethod @Object, 'ResponseText', @resText OUTPUT END END END --destroy the object EXEC sp_oadestroy @Object RETURN (@resText) END