제목 그데로 입니다. mysql + apache + php + .... proFTP 까지 추가 되었군요.
한방에 설치하여 사용가능 합니다....
어느 CF 의 말처럼 ..
"참 쉽죠 ~"
아래는 사용시 중요 매뉴얼 입니다... 정리가 잘 되어 있군요..
Thank you ! XAMPP

A matter of security (A MUST READ!)As mentioned before, XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for developers in a development environment. The way XAMPP is configured is to be as open as possible and allowing the developer anything he/she wants. For development environments this is great but in a production environment it could be fatal.
Here a list of missing security in XAMPP:
1. The MySQL administrator (root) has no password.
2. The MySQL daemon is accessible via network.
3. ProFTPD uses the password "xampp" for user "nobody".
4. PhpMyAdmin is accessible via network.
5. MySQL and Apache running under the same user (nobody).
To fix most of the security weaknesses simply call the following command:
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp security It starts a small security check and makes your XAMPP installation more secure.
Advanced start and stop parametersWith /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp you can not just start and stop XAMPP für Mac OS X, you can do loads more. To see what else you can do, just read below. |

Parameter |

Bedeutung |
start |
Starts XAMPP. |
stop |
Stops XAMPP. |
restart |
Stops and starts XAMPP. |
reload |
Apache, MySQL and - if started - ProFTPD reload their config files |
startapache |
Only starts the Apache. |
startssl |
Starts the Apache SSL support. This command activates the SSL support permanently, e.g. if you restart XAMPP in the future SSL will stay activated.
startmysql |
Only the MySQL database ist started. |
startftp |
Only the ProFTPD-Server is started. Via FTP you can upload files for your web server (user "nobody", password "xampp"). This command activates the ProFTPD permanently, e.g. if you restart XAMPP in the future FTP will stay activated. |
stopapache |
Stops the Apache. |
stopssl |
Stops the Apache SSL support. This command deactivates the SSL support permanently, e.g. if you restart XAMPP in the future SSL will stay deactivated. |
stopmysql |
Stops the MySQL database. |
stopftp |
Stops the ProFTPD server. This command deactivates the ProFTPD permanently, e.g. if you restart XAMPP in the future FTP will stay deactivated. |
reloadapache |
The Apache webserver reloads its config files. |
reloadmysql |
The MySQL database reloads its config files. |
reloadftp |
ProFTPD reloads its config files. |
For example: To start Apache with SSL support simply type in the following command (as root):
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp startssl You can now also access your Apache server via SSL under https://localhost. |

Datei/Verzeichnis |

Bedeutung |
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin |
The XAMPP commands home.
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql for example calls the MySQL monitor. |
/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ |
The Apache DocumentRoot directory.
This is where the webpages belong. |
/Applications/XAMPP/etc/httpd.conf |
The Apache configuration file. |
/Applications/XAMPP/etc/my.cnf |
The MySQL configuration file. |
/Applications/XAMPP/etc/php.ini |
This File is to configure your php options. |
/Applications/XAMPP/etc/proftpd.conf |
ProFTPd configuration file. |
Stopping XAMPPTo stop XAMPP simply stop Apache, MySQL and ProFTPD in XAMPP Control. UninstallTo uninstall XAMPP just stop it and move it to the Trash. ThanksWe would like to thank Kai "Oswald" Seidler, Kay Vogelgesang, the whole Apache Friends Team and of course also our users for supporting us and to have made Apache Friends what it is today.
February 2005, Kristian Marcroft |