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암튼 jar 파일 안에 있는 class 를 바꾸는건 아래의 내용을 참조 하면 됩니다.
암튼 java 개발자는 특히 유지보수를 하다 보면 전에 개발한 내용이 jar 로 되어 있는경우
그 jar 안에 있는 특정 class 만 수정 하려면 아래와 같이 간단하게 처리 된다.
jar uf jarFileName.jar com.util.changedClass.class
Updating a JAR File
The basic command for adding files has this format:
jar uf jar-file input-file(s)
In this command:
- The u option indicates that you want to update an existing JAR file.
- The f option indicates that the JAR file to update is specified on the command line.
- jar-file is the existing JAR file that's to be updated.
- input-file(s) is a space-deliminated list of one or more files that you want to add to the Jar file.
Any files already in the archive having the same pathname as a file being added will be overwritten.
When creating a new JAR file, you can optionally use the -C option to indicate a change of directory. For more information, see the Creating a JAR File section.
Recall that TicTacToe.jar has these contents:META-INF/MANIFEST.MF TicTacToe.class audio/ audio/beep.au audio/ding.au audio/return.au audio/yahoo1.au audio/yahoo2.au images/ images/cross.gif images/not.gif
Suppose that you want to add the file images/new.gif to the JAR file. You could accomplish that by issuing this command from the parent directory of the images directory:
jar uf TicTacToe.jar images/new.gif
The revised JAR file would have this table of contents:
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF TicTacToe.class audio/ audio/beep.au audio/ding.au audio/return.au audio/yahoo1.au audio/yahoo2.au images/ images/cross.gif images/not.gif images/new.gif
You can use the -C option to "change directories" during execution of the command. For example:
jar uf TicTacToe.jar -C images new.gif
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF TicTacToe.class audio/ audio/beep.au audio/ding.au audio/return.au audio/yahoo1.au audio/yahoo2.au images/ images/cross.gif images/not.gif new.gif