편하게 살자

vi no autoindentation

mulderu 2016. 1. 3. 17:02

vi 사용중 자동인덴테이션으로 에디팅에 문제가 있다면 살며시 아래의 명령어를...

:setl noai nocin nosi inde=

원본사이트 : http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_stop_auto_indenting

Disabling auto indent for the current fileEdit

To see the current indenting settings, and where they were set, enter:

:verbose set ai? cin? cink? cino? si? inde? indk?

If you are editing a particular file and you want to prevent auto indenting within that file, enter:

:setlocal noautoindent
:setlocal nocindent
:setlocal nosmartindent
:setlocal indentexpr=

The following is equivalent (it uses the abbreviated names in a single command):

:setl noai nocin nosi inde=